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Qualifying practice name the first protagonists of the WSK Super Master Series in Sarno

Qualifying practice name the first protagonists of the WSK Super Master Series in Sarno

The following drivers came to the fore in qualifying practice: Osadchyi-Suslovskyi (OK-NJ), Rea (MINI Gr.3), Godschalk (MINI U10), Hoogendoorn (OKJ), Drummond (OK) and Orlov (KZ2). The first qualifying heats will follow shortly.

Sarno (ITA), 07.02.2025

At the International Circuit Napoli of Sarno, after the initial free practice sessions, the official qualifying session on Friday morning kicked off the second round of the WSK Super Master Series. This event sees an even larger number of participants compared to the opening round at La Conca. On the track are the MINI, OKNJ, OKJ, OK, and KZ2 categories, with approximately 280 drivers.

OK-NJ – Osadchyi-Suslovskyi takes Pole Position

In the OK-N Junior category, the Ukrainian driver Vsevolod Osadchyi-Suslovskyi (#716 Monster K Factory/Monster K-TM Kart-Vega) was the first surprise of the day, securing pole position on the final lap of qualifying with a time that was 0.012s faster than the Finnish driver Lenni Makinen (LA Motorsport/Parolin-TM Kart). The Italian drivers Michele Orlando (DR/DR-Modena Engines), Gioele Girardello (Modena Kart/Parolin-TM Kart) and Manuel Martufi (IPK Factory Team/IPK-Iame) were also very close to the top, all within a tenth of a second. The dominant driver from the previous round at La Conca, the American Lucas Palacio (KR Motorsport/KR-Iame), qualified sixth, 0.108s off the pace.

MINI Gr.3 – Rea leads teammate Laitinen

Achille Rea (#553 CRG Racing Team/T-Group-TM Kart-Vega) secured pole position in the first session with a time of 1:05.688s, ahead of the Polish driver Blazej Kostrzewa (Team Driver/KR-Iame) by 0.244 seconds and Italian driver David Moscardi (Novalux/Lenzokart-LKE) by 0.248 seconds. Championship leader Niccolò Perico (Team Driver/KR-Iame) qualified fourth, just 0.256s off the pace. In the second session, the Finnish driver Leo Laitinen (CRG Racing Team/T-Group/TM Kart) set the fastest time in 1:05.959s, but was three tenths slower than his teammate Rea. The Portuguese driver Xavier Lazaro (DR/DR-TM Kart) was just 0.014s behind in third place. Stepan Mazepin (SM Racing/Gillard-TM Kart) secured the third-fastest time in Session-2, 0.231s off the pace.

MINI U10 – Godschalk in pole position.

The Caribbean driver Wynn Godschalk (#564 Kidix/KR-Iame-Vega), currently second in the championship, has secured pole position with a time of 1:06.951s. The Dutch driver Julien Van De Coterlet (MP Academy Gamoto/Henza Kart/TM Kart) at 0.361 seconds and the Cypriot driver Andreas Papageorgiu (Monster K Factory/Monster K-TM Kart) at 0.419 seconds. The championship leader from America Josh Bergman (Kidix/KR-Iame), qualified sixth, 0.525s off the pace. His teammate and the son of Formula 1 champion Kimi Raikkonen, Robin Raikkonen, qualified seventh, 0.538s behind.

OKJ – Hoogendoorn sets the pace

In the OKJ category, Dutch driver Dean Hoogendoorn (#302 Prema Racing/KR-Iame-Vega), who has been impressive in previous rounds, secured the overall pole position with a time of 58.613 set in Series-2. Brazilian driver Augustus Toniolo (Tony Kart Racing Team/Tony Kart-Vortex) was the fastest in Series-1 with a time of 59.238. In Series-2, Mexican driver Emiliano Hernandez (VictoryLine/KR-Iame) finished second, 0.116 seconds behind Hoogendoorn, followed by Polish driver Remigiusz Samczyk (Fusion Motorsport/KR-Iame) at 0.122 seconds. In Series-1, Swedish driver Carl Nellegard (Ward Racing/Tony Kart-TM Kart) was just 9 milliseconds behind Toniolo, and Spaniard Manuel Miguez (DPK Racing/KR-Iame) was 46 milliseconds behind. The championship leader, who won at La Conca, was a bit further back in 14th position, 0.544 seconds off the pace.

OK – Drummond sets the pace

The Scottish driver Zac Drummond (#230 Fusion Motorsport/KR-Iame-LeCont), the winner at La Conca, immediately left his mark by securing the overall pole position with a time of 56.776s in Session-1. The Brazilian driver Bernardo Bernoldi (Prema Racing/KR-Iame) was second, 0.214 seconds behind, while the Czech driver Jindrich Pesl (Tony Kart Racing Team/Tony Kart-Vortex) was third, 0.293 seconds off the pace. In Session-2, the German driver Luke Kornder (Ricky Flynn/LN Kart-TM Kart) was the fastest with a time of 56.841s, which was just 0.012s ahead of the Belgian driver Dries Van Langendonck (Prema Racing/KR-Iame) and 0.034s ahead of the Italian driver Iacopo Martinese (KR Motorsport/KR-Iame).

KZ2 – Orlov excels

In the highly competitive KZ2 category, Max Orlov, driving for CPB Sport on a Sodikart-TM Kart-Vega, secured the overall pole position. He set the fastest time in Session-2 with a 56.281s, while the Estonian Markus Kajak (Formula K SRP/IPK-TM Kart), set the fastest time in Series-1 with a lap completed after 56.397s. Chasing Kajak in Session-1 were the Italians Cristian Bertuca (BirelART Racing/TM Kart) and Danilo Albanese (KR Motorsport/KR-Iame), who were respectively 46 and 49 milliseconds behind. The winner at La Conca, the Dutch driver Stan Pex (SP Motorsport/KR-Iame), qualified ninth, 0.216s adrift. In Session-2, the Romanian driver Daniel Vasile (CL Racing Team/BirelART-TM Kart) was second fastest, 0.201s behind Orlov, followed by the German driver David Trefilov (Formula K SRP/IPK-TM Kart) at 0.305 seconds.

The first qualifying heats will take place this afternoon, followed by additional heats on Saturday. The Prefinals and Finals will be held on Sunday, February 9th.

Live on TV.

The final phase on Sunday, February 9th, will be broadcast live on Facebook WSK Promotion, on the WSK websites,, and YouTube:

The program of the WSK Super Master Series, Rd2 Sarno:

Friday, February 7th: 8:30 Free practice.; 10:50 Qualifying practice; 13:50 Qualifying heats.

Saturday, February 8th: 8:20 Warm up; 10:30 Qualifying heats.

Sunday, February 9th: 8:20 Warm up; Live TV and Live Streaming: 10:00 Prefinals and 13:15 Finals.

The calendar of the WSK Super Master Series.
1st Rd – 22-26/01/2025 LA CONCA / MINI – OKNJ – OKJ – OK – KZ2

2nd Rd – 05-09/02/2025 SARNO / MINI – OKNJ – OKJ – OK – KZ2

3rd Rd – 19-23/02/2025 LONATO / MINI – OKNJ – OKJ – OK – KZ2

4th Rd – 05-09/03/2025 FRANCIACORTA / MINI – OKNJ – OKJ – OK – KZ2

5th Rd – 12-16/03/2025 VITERBO / MINI – OKNJ – OKJ – OK – KZ2

Complete results are available at:

WSK Promotion

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Ph. Sportinphoto

Le qualifiche con i primi protagonisti della WSK Super Master Series a Sarno

Nelle prove di qualificazione in evidenza Osadchyi-Suslovskyi (OK-NJ), Rea (MINI Gr.3), Godschalk (MINI U10), Hoogendoorn (OKJ), Drummond (OK), Orlov (KZ2). A seguire le prime manches eliminatorie. 

Sarno (ITA), 07.02.2025

Sul Circuito Internazionale Napoli di Sarno (Salerno), dopo le prime giornate dedicate alle prove libere, sono stati i responsi del cronometro di venerdì mattina a dare lo start ufficiale alla seconda prova della WSK Super Master Series, nell’evento che presenta una ulteriore partecipazione di protagonisti dopo la prova d’apertura disputata l’altra settimana sul Circuito Internazionale La Conca di Muro Leccese. In pista le categorie MINI, OKNJ, OKJ, OK e KZ2 con circa 280 piloti.

OK-NJ – Osadchyi-Suslovskyi per pochi millesimi.

Nella OK-N Junior è l’ucraino Vsevolod Osadchyi-Suslovskyi (#716 Monster K Factory/Monster K-TM Kart-Vega) a offrire la prima sorpresa della giornata, con la realizzazione della pole position nell’ultimo giro del turno di qualifica e il miglior crono per 12 millesimi sul finlandese Lenni Makinen (LA Motorsport/Parolin-TM Kart). L’italiano Michele Orlando (DR/DR-Modena Engines) è a 13 millesimi, Gioele Girardello (Modena Kart/Parolin-TM Kart) a 75 millesimi e Manuel Martufi (IPK Factory Team/IPK-Iame) a 96 millesimi. Ovvero un bel numero di protagonisti in grado di aggiudicarsi il successo. Il dominatore della scorsa prova di La Conca e leader di campionato, l’americano Lucas Palacio (KR Motorsport/KR-Iame) ha il sesto tempo a 0.108 dalla pole.

MINI GR.3 – Rea davanti al compagno di squadra Laitinen.

Achille Rea (#553 CRG Racing Team/T-Group-TM Kart-Vega) ottiene la pole position nella prima serie in 1:05.688, davanti al polacco Blazej Kostrzewa (Team Driver/KR-Iame) a 0.244 e all’italiano David Moscardi (Novalux/Lenzokart-LKE) a 0.248. Il leader di campionato Niccolò Perico (Team Driver/KR-Iame) ha il quarto tempo a 0.256. Nella Serie-2 è il finlandese Leo Laitinen (CRG Racing Team/T-Group-TM Kart) a realizzare la migliore prestazione in 1.05.959, ma 3 decimi sopra il tempo del compagno di squadra Rea. Ad appena 14 millesimi si piazza il portoghese Xavier Lazaro (DR/DR-TM Kart). Terzo tempo della Serie-2 per Stepan Mazepin (SM Racing/Gillard-TM Kart) a 0.231.

MINI U10 – Godschalk in pole position.

Il caraibico Wynn Godschalk (#564 Kidix/KR-Iame-Vega), secondo in campionato, conquista la pole position in 1:06.951, davanti all’olandese Julien Van De Coterlet (MP Academy Gamoto/Henza Kart/TM Kart) a 0.361 e al cipriota Andreas Papageorgiu (Monster K Factory/Monster K-TM Kart) a 0.419. Il leader di classifica, l’americano Josh Bergman (Kidix/KR-Iame) ha il sesto tempo a 0.525, mentre il compagno di squadra, il figlio d’arte Robin Raikkonen, ha il settimo tempo a 0.538.

OKJ – Hoogendoorn il più veloce.

Nella OKJ  l’olandese Dean Hoogendoorn (#302 Prema Racing/KR-Iame-Vega), già in evidenza nella scorsa prova a La Conca, realizza la pole position assoluta in 58.613 ottenuta nella Serie-2, mentre nella Serie-1 il migliore è il brasiliano Augustus Toniolo (Tony Kart Racing Team/Tony Kart-Vortex) in 59.238. Alle spalle di Hoogendoorn nella Seie-2 si piazzano il messicano Emiliano Hernandez (VictoryLine/KR-Iame) a 0.116 e il polacco Remigiusz Samczyk (Fusion Motorsport/KR-Iame) a 0.122. Nella Serie-1, a 9 millesimi da Toniolo si inserisce lo svedese Carl Nellegard (Ward Racing/Tony Kart-TM Kart) e a 46 millesimi lo spagnolo Manuel Miguez (DPK Racing/KR-Iame). Il leader di campionato, vincitore a La Conca, è un po’ indietro con il 14mo tempo a 0.544.

OK – Drummond subito in evidenza.

Il vincitore di La Conca, lo scozzese Zac Drummond (#230 Fusion Motorsport/KR-Iame-LeCont) si mette subito in evidenza con la pole position assoluta in 56.776 nella Serie-1, con il brasiliano Bernardo Bernoldi (Prema Racing/KR-Iame) secondo tempo a 0.214 e il ceco Jindrich Pesl (Tony Kart Racing Team/Tony Kart-Vortex) terzo tempo a 0.293. Nella Serie-2 il più veloce è stato il tedesco Luke Kornder (Ricky Flynn/LN Kart-TM Kart) in 56.841 per appena 12 millesimi sul belga Dries Van Langendonck (Prema Racing/KR-Iame) e 34 millesimi sull’italiano Iacopo Martinese (KR Motorsport/KR-Iame).

KZ2 – Orlov superlativo.

Nella categoria più prestazione, la KZ2, la pole position assoluta è di Max Orlov, con il team CPB Sport su Sodikart-TM Kart-Vega, con il miglior tempo nella Serie-2 in 56.281, mentre il miglior tempo nella Serie-1 era andato all’estone Markus Kajak (Formula K SRP/IPK-TM Kart) in 56.397. Ad inseguire Kajak nella Serie-1 si sono inseriti i due italiani Cristian Bertuca (BirelART Racing/TM Kart) a 46 millesimi e Danilo Albanese (KR Motorsport/KR-Iame) a 49 millesimi. Il vincitore di La Conca, l’olandese Stan Pex (SP Motorsport/KR-Iame) ha il nono tempo a 0.216. Nella Serie-2 il secondo miglior tempo lo ha ottenuto il romeno Daniel Vasile (CL Racing Team/BirelART-TM Kart) a 0.201 da Orlov, davanti al tedesco David Trefilov (Formula K SRP/IPK-TM Kart) a 0.305.

Nel pomeriggio si disputano le prime manches eliminatorie, che proseguono nella giornata di sabato. Domenica 9 febbraio Prefinali e Finali.

Diretta TV.

La fase finale di domenica 9 febbraio sarà trasmessa in diretta TV Live Streaming, nella pagina Facebook WSK Promotion, nei siti WSK, e YouTube:

Il programma della WSK Super Master Series, Rd2 Sarno:

Venerdì 7 Febbraio: 8:30 Prove libere; 10:50 Prove cronometrate; 13:50 Manches eliminatorie.

Sabato 8 Febbraio: 8:20 Warm up; 10:30 Manches eliminatorie.

Domenica 9 Febbraio: 8:20 Warm up; Diretta TV e Live Streaming: 10:00 Prefinali e 13:15 Finali.

Il calendario della WSK Super Master Series.
1°Rd – 22-26/01/2025 LA CONCA / MINI – OKNJ – OKJ – OK – KZ2

2°Rd – 05-09/02/2025 SARNO / MINI – OKNJ – OKJ – OK – KZ2

3°Rd – 19-23/02/2025 LONATO / MINI – OKNJ – OKJ – OK – KZ2

4°Rd – 05-09/03/2025 FRANCIACORTA / MINI – OKNJ – OKJ – OK – KZ2

5°Rd – 12-16/03/2025 VITERBO / MINI – OKNJ – OKJ – OK – KZ2

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Ph. Sportinphoto

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