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KV Racing leaves IndyCar Series

Team led by Jimmy Vasser have anounced, through an official press release, that they are not going to compete in the upcoming IndyCar Series season. Kevin Kahlkoven leaving the team and unsuccesful negotiations with Carlin made the team unable to reach the necessary funds to compete.

One of the hot zones of this year’s silly season on IndyCar Series was knowing who would take the #11 Chevrolet after the departure of Sébastien Bourdais to Dale Coyne. Since then, the news around the team suggested that Kevin Kahlkoven, team co-owner next to Jimmy Vasser, could quit the team, which would lose an important part of its funds.

Economical problems were there, and it seemed that the only solutions were selling the team to Carlin, an Indylights formation, or hiring Pastor Maldonado, whose sponsorship (PDVSA) would save the team.

But none of these possible solutions arrived, and, the 16th of February, team announced that they wouldn’t be running on next season. Team’s equipment has been finally sold to Juncos Racing, another Indylights team, which is expected to set two entries for Indy 500.

“I want to thank all those who have written to express their appreciation of the efforts of KV Racing Technology during the last 14 years,” said Kahlkoven on a press release. “However as I approach 73, I feel I can no longer give the team the effort and support it and the team members deserve.”

KV leaving the Series means another historical team gone. In 14 years of competition, top class drivers such as Takuma Sato, Will Power or Tony Kanaan have driven for KV, and they won the Indy 500 in 2013. This announcement also means that 2017 Verizon IndyCar Series line-up is already complete, with 21 cars running full-time.


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