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Carmen Jorda sets fire to the F1 paddock

It is not the first polemic enviroment that Carmen Jorda raises among the F1 paddock. This time, for some controversial statements after testing the Formula E in Mexico City after the E-Prix held this past weekend.

The Spanish driver tested the electric car and regarding his impressions with the car, Carmen Jorda said: “I loved it. I thought I would have less grip, less downforce, but I was impressed. It is also a challenging car, you have to handle many things that in normal cars is not necessary. Braking, power and energy management is different.”

The problem came when he had to compare the feelings of a Formula E with a Formula 1 and got into a garden: “The Formula E is a less physical car than the Formula 1, downforce and power steering as well. So yes, it’s easier, sure. The challenge that women have in Formula 2 and Formula 1 is a physical issue and I think that in Formula E we will not have it. It’s a big problem, and that’s why there are no women in those championships”, said the representative of the FIA ​​Women’s Commission. Some statements that have brought queue and have raised many negative reactions, especially by the female motoring collective.

At the end of the day, it is Carmen Jorda who must represent her group and with statements such as those it is clear she is not on the right track. Drivers like Jenson Button have also stepped up: “You are not helping women drivers with this comment. Ask Danica Patrick what strength it takes to drive a racing car. She would kick my ass in a gym and probably be as strong as any current F1 driver. Physical barriers are not your problem, Carmen.”

Hard and direct has been the F1 world champion with Carmen who has hinted that his future can go through the Formula E: “I think it’s a great championship, it’s growing, I think it’s the future, I’m looking forward to competing here and such come soon “

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